Friday, September 27, 2013

I just finished up a couple of figures for a Pathfinder game my wife and I are in. I'm a sorcerer and she's a druid, both half-elves. So I went through my Vampire Box from the Reaper Kickstarter and found 2 appropriate minis. I gave the plastic figures a light wash in warm soapy water to clean off any release agent that may be on them and primed them black.

I noticed a couple of spots where the primer didn't take hold, so in the future I'll wash them a little more aggressively. I started with my character because the figure was revealing it's personality to as I looked it over to see the details on the little guy.

Other than the spots where the primer didn't take, painting the mini's was a breeze, pretty much like any other figure, with the exception being that the lighter material made balancing the mini taped on top of a cork, so I could better paint them without touching, better since they weren't as top heavy.

Here are the finished pieces, still awaiting a clear coat . I was going to use flat, but my wife think a semi-gloss would make them "pop" more.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New location of my hobby table

After putting up with the ever encroaching army of miniatures in our living room for years, my wife asked if I could move my painting station to another room. I actually was excited to make the transition as the TV tray I used forced me to lean over so much I couldn't paint much without getting a really sore back, so I 'm using an old drafting table with a new "task" chair and the work surface is the perfect hieght.

Plus I have a lot more room to speread out now.

Col. Gravis' Steampunk Heavy Weapon unit gets magnetized

Got my Steampunk Praetorian/Victorian IG heavy weapon from Col. Gravis' Curious Construct's Kickstarter. After moving my painting station to a more out of the way room in the house (since my wife really wanted the living room back) I decided to take a look at this little treasure and see if I can magnetize it.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Praetoria's answer to Guardsman Marbo

Meet Stock Connery. Dashing, daring and mysterious describe this officer and last survivor of the 700th Regiment of Foot based out of the Port Elizabeth Hive. Rumors around his history abound, some say he was an ordinary "ground pounder" who stole an officer identity, other say he was trained by the Inquisition as an assassin, but let that behind when his home world needed him. The prevailing rumor is that he was a specially trained member of Praetoria’s PDF elite brought in to put down worker uprisings and deal with mutant threats in the lower levels of the hive, always by himself and he never failed to return.
Regardless of how he managed to get on to the field, he is a master of infiltration and creating havoc behind enemy lines. Armed with a special pistol and a strange power glove, rumored to be Xeno tech, that has virulent, needle like claws, he will appear amongst the enemy's support and command units, disrupt them and melt back into the fog of war.

(Basically, I use Marbo's stats with this more victorian looking figure. No he's not GW, but then again my IG army is never going to qualify for an offical tournement)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pathfinder ship

My Pathfinder campaign is one of steampunky, piratey goodness. My group just got their first big ship and so my wife and I made this for the campaign.

I found the PDFs for these ships on Drive-Thru RPG from Zero-Hour.

Printed them out and glued them to foam-core and my wife cut them out.

So now we have appropriate deck plans for fights.

I'll post a link to the pdfs below through the Paizo website. There are 3 ships/boats total in the document a dingy, a 50ft small ship and this bad boy.  The gun deck as an optional overlay.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Reading for inspiration.

While the Eldar clamor for more of my attention, I've picked up the WartyK short story anthology "Let The Galaxy Burn" which I put down for a few years, so I could read some longer Warhammer fiction. I've read a couple of interesting IG based stories that are getting me thinking about my org chart for the 57th and what interesting variations I can put into my army. I'm currently reading the story of a "Chem Dog's" tank crew, which seem a bit like a Penal Legion, but just a couple incidents away from getting explosive collars attached to them. Thanks to them I'm trying to come up with a good name for my penal legions. So far I've got either the "Irredeemables" or "The Lost Souls".

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The "Svarog" Pattern Armored Sentinels

Here at the pictures of the nearly finished Svarog Sentinels. I call them Svarog Pattern because it's a name from Russian mythology and these are Russian made toys I converted. A Svarog is a fire spirit that lives in a blacksmith's forge, as far as I recall, so I thought it would be an appropriate name.

Here's one next to a standard Sentinel for scale.

Full squad, still need some more detail work, gloss coat, decals, then flat coat.

They do present a bigger target, which is a disadvantage, but my purpose for using them would be to draw fire.

I magnetized the weapons so they can use the "Auto-Cannon" they came with or a Plasma gun. I would only use these in a home game or treat them like any Forge World model and ask if my opponent would be ok with my using them.

All in all it's been a fun conversion project, and if I can't use them for WartyK there's always "No Limits" I could play.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Eldar Warhost has it's own blog

It is here:

It's still a bit bare, but I'm striving to get it populated.

I've been sitting on a bunch of nearly finished units for my space elves, but I was holding off until the new Codex came out so I wounldn't be friustrated at finishing a unit that was not there any more. However, it seems that most of the old units are still there, they justwork a bit differently.

At least Grav Sleds still allow the Defenders; Heavy Weapons to keep up.

When I say I need to prime...

I REALLY need to prime some stuff. Here are some shots of some of the stuff coming off the assmebly line.
A Kryotech Demoslisher turret I magnetized.

The Praetorian Rough Riders

2 Squads of Praetorian infantry

Wargames Factory bases, colonial heads & Pith helmets, Shock Trooper Bodies and Victoria Miniatures' arms. Don't think these will fly at a GW Tournament.

And a new mini for one of the character's future development in my Pathfinder campaign.

Now I just wish the humitiy would drop a bit so I can get the primer to work right.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Brief History:

The 57th Praetorian Regulars where mustered from the Hive City of Port Elizabeth for a campaign against several Xeno threats against Agricultural/Industrial worlds of the Transvaal Subsector. The regiment is lead by Lord Welstraed who has managed to survive no less than 35 battles in which he became personally involved against alien soldiers. During the 15-year campaign the 57th was brought down to half strength and the remnants of other heavily damaged regiments were folded in. Lord Welstraed used his influence to keep the regiment’s standard and name, though it was changed to the Irregulars to match the motley nature of the troop composition.  The 57th, while the majority of the troops are from Pretoria, does have elements of Mordian Iron Guard, Catachan, Talarian and even a troop of Penal Legionaries as well as a motor pool of vehicles maintained, scavenged and, ahem, acquired from the various battlefields across the Transvaal Campaign. The most interesting armor the 57th came into possession of are several Hydras and Manticores made from the Hyphestus pattern, which uses a Leman Russ chassis over the chimera. This particular template fell out of favor due to the fact the Adminastratum would rather use Leman Russ chassis for Leman Russ tanks, not “Infantry Support” vehicles. In the same haul, err, libration of material that brought them the Hyphestus pattern vehicles they also found a squad of older Svarog pattern armored Sentinels, which are bigger and bulkier, but function the same as a standard walker of the same class.

Another tank ready to prime.

Boy do I have a lot to prime.
Here is what I'm calling my "rescue" tank. bought of eBay, it was apparently built by a novice to model building, it was covered in model glue overflow. Nice and shiny, I buffed and filed down some of the worst spots and put a dozer blade on it. I also magnetized the turret so I can make this another "Hyphestus" pattern Hydra,

Here's the plasma breathing bad boy after I cleaned him up.

2 Tanks now in my magnetized squad.

Detail shot to show the magnets.